Career Research

Environmental Career Research

We include environmental career research conducted by the Environmental Career Center and other studies. 

Environmental Career Center Employment Surveys

The Environmental Career Center conducted the 2012 National Environmental Employment Survey in partnership with the National Association of Environmental Professionals. We are conducting the survey again this Summer 2013.  The results of the 2012 National Environmental Employment Survey are summarized in a presentation in the April 2013 Environmental Careers Seminar at joint conference of the National Association of Environmental Professionals and Association of Environmental Professionals in Los Angeles. 

  • 2012 National Environmental Employment Survey results summary. Presented at the 2013 NAEP/AEP Joint Conference in Los Angles in the Green Careers Seminar.  Moderator: John Esson of the Environmental Career Center and NAEP Career Development Sub-committee Chair

  • ECC/US Green Building Council Green Building Careers Survey results summary

  • National Enviroinmental Employment Survey - 2004 skills summary

USDOL Green Jobs Labor Market Surveys

In 2009, the US Department of Labor awarded $50M in Green Jobs Labor Market Survey grants to states or state consortia. States such as Minnesota and few others really produced deep, helpful results and/or created outstanding green job resource directories.  Here we provide comprehensive information on the results and resources related to the Green Jobs Labor Market Survey grants.

  • Search by State - Green Jobs Labor Market Survey reports:

Campus to Careers Study

National Council for Science and the Environment (, Council of Environmental Deans and Directors. Currently, very little is known about the relationship between campus and environmental careers and we lack comprehensive quantitative data about the environmental workforce. The results of this survey hold the potential to influence and alter the decisions made by policymakers, students and the participating institutions.  Results from past surveys can be accessed online through the Zoomerang website.