Environmental Jobs and Green Careers Coach

Environmental Careers Coach

Do you want an environmental jobs and green careers coach to help you enter and advance in your career in the environmental, sustainability or natural resources career fields?  Let our Founder/Director, John Esson, help guide you. 

Click here to hire your personal environmental career coach.

John Esson imageJohn Esson is the Director of the Environmental Career Center and founder of the nonprofit PASE Corps advanced environmental jobs training and internship program.

He created the web’s first environmental  jobs board in 1995, and published both the Green Careers Journal magazine and the National Environmental Employment Report. 
John has conducted a number of environmental career and green job employer surveys since in partnership with professional associations such as USGBC, AFS, and NAEP. 
He has over 30 years of technical experience in natural resources management, sustainability planning, and environmental management with Federal, state, and local agencies, nonprofit organizations. 
John served as the Chairman of the Career Development Committee for the National Association of Environmental Professionals for seven years.

He has been leading and presenting at Environmental Careers- Green Jobs workshops for over 20 years with organizations such as:

  • National Association of Environmental Professionals
  • The Wildlife Society
  • American Fisheries Society
  • Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)
  • Soil & Water Conservation Association
  • Women’s Energy & Environmental Council
  • Good Jobs- Green Jobs Conference – Blue Green Alliance
  • Colleges & Universities:
    • Yale University
    • Hampton University
    • University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point
    • University of Minnesota
    • Old Dominion University
      • Four live Environmental Careers Conference satellite broadcasts from ODU to over 2,000 students at over 80 colleges and universities

John led a number of environmental careers and green job employer surveys in cooperation with NAEP, U.S. Green Building Council, and American Fisheries Society. 

Click here to hire your personal environmental career coach.

We will contact you to set up the coaching session.
Coaching sessions are via phone or video-call for up to 60 minutes including the follow-up session.