1980-1989. Our beginning. During this decade we established connections with professional associations and colleges and universities. Our subscription Jobs Bulletin became the best single source of environmental and natural resources jobs in the U.S. [more]
1990-1999. During this decade the Environmental Career Center launched EnvironmentalCareer.com, published the monthly National Environmental Employment Report. [more]
2000-2009. This was the era of internet job boards with EnvironmentalCareer.com as a leader. Before there were webinars, we conducted live satellite broadcasts of our career seminars from Old Dominion University to universities nationwide (and internationally). We co-found the Green Jobs Alliance. [more]
2010-2019. This decade the Environmental Career Center continued to lead during the Green Jobs era. We published the Green Careers Journal magazine; researched careers with the National Environmental Employment Survey; launched the PASE Corps training and staffing program (now a nonprofit organization), and posted valuable job information at EnvironmentalCareer.com and our social media outlets. [more]