Saving the Earth
as a Career
Green Careers:
Choosing Work
for a
Sustainable Future
by Jim Cassio
Profession and Purpose -
A Resource Guide
for MBA Careers
in Sustainability
by Katie Kross
Green Collar Jobs
by Scott Deitche
Managing Green Spaces -
Careers in Wilderness
and Wildlife Management
by Suzy Gazlay
ECO Guide to Careers
That Make a Difference
revised 2013 edition
by Kevin Doyle,
former Environmental
Careers Organization
The Complete
Idiot's Guide
Green Careers
by Barbara Parks
and Jodi Helmer
Green Jobs
for Dummies
by Carol McClelland, PhD
by A. Bronwyn Llewellyn,
James. P. Hendrix,
and K. C. Golden
Great Jobs for
Studies Majors
by Julie DeGalan
and Bryan Middlekauf
Why Green Is Your Color
A Woman's Guide to a Sustainable Career