State of Alaska, Department of Transportation & Public Facilities


Keep Alaska Moving through service and infrastructure.

To do this we:

  • Provide for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods
  • Provide statewide access and connectivity
  • Provide access for exploration and development of Alaska's resources

Core Values

  • Integrity: Ensure honesty, dependability, loyalty and a high ethical standard
  • Excellence: Personal and department commitment to continually improve individual, team, and organizational knowledge, performance, and methods to provide quality service and products
  • Respect: Positive regard for colleagues and customers

DOT&PF Vision Statement

  • We will strengthen our efficiencies and effectiveness at planning, designing, constructing, operating and maintaining all modes of transportation.
  • We will strengthen our transparency, accountability, innovation and quality of service.
  • We will work as a team, maintaining strong, healthy communications internally and externally.
  • We will promote service based management of state-owned transportation assets and facilities.
  • We will expand the reach of the transportation system to serve the needs of all Alaskans


  • Strong work ethic
  • Experience, expertise, knowledge
  • Dedicated workforce
  • Reasonable, responsible problem-solvers
  • Quantity and quality of assets
  • Interesting challenges
  • Opportunity for growth
  • Pride of accomplishment
  • Good people
  • Willing to lead