International Wolf Center

The International Wolf Center advances the survival of wolf populations by teaching about wolves, their relationship to wildlands and the human role in their future. It is a nonprofit organization with its flagship interpretive center in Ely, MN, and its administrative office in Plymouth, MN. Through the interpretive center, learning vacations and educational workshops across the nation, magazine, Web site and distance learning program, the Center brings wolf and wildlands education to children, teachers, universities, community groups and interested individuals throughout the world. Today, 10,000 members representing 50 states and 38 countries support the Center’s mission. 
The International Wolf Center’s mission is to advance the survival of wolf populations around the world by teaching about wolves, their relationship to wildlands, and the human role in their future. The world famous education facility in Ely, Minnesota features daily presentations and field trips, an award winning museum exhibit and a pack of ambassador wolves living in their wooded territory. Details online at