South Carolina Low-country's real swamp experience! The National Audubon Society’s Francis Beidler Forest located in Four Holes Swamp, SC contains within its 13,000 acres, the largest remaining stand of virgin Baldcypress and Tupelo Gum swamp forest left anywhere in the world. 1000 year old trees and native wildlife abound in this pristine sanctuary that has been untouched for millenia. A 1.75 mile self-guiding boardwalk trail allows visitors the chance to safely venture deep into the heart of the swamp… to experience the peace and serenity that have characterized the area for centuries… to hear the sounds of bird and bug and breeze that have echoed through the trees for ages… to take a relaxing and informative walk back into time… to see a swamp the way nature intended them to be!
Canoe trips and naturalist guided walks and programs are also available seasonally and by reservation.