TDickinson's environmental studies & environmental science department is one of the oldest and best established in the country. Our department is remarkable for its history, energy, and collaborative spirit. Our faculty are active in the fields of environmental policy, aquatic ecology, conflict resolution and peace-building, environmental health, environmental literature, air quality, conservation, climate change, and social justice. We work closely with our students in the classroom and support them in their scholarship – whether they are assisting communities on environmental-justice issues or conducting field research in our Cumberland Valley forests and streams and on the ice-sheets of Greenland.
Our students have access to a geographic-information systems (GIS) laboratory, state-of-the-art instruments for chemical analysis, the Reineman Sanctuary, the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring(ALLARM), the Center for Sustainable Living (Treehouse), the Dickinson College Farm, and the Center for Sustainability Education.