Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health

Climate change is already harming Americans’ health in many ways. We are experiencing more illness and deaths from heat waves, extreme weather events, water, food, and insect borne diseases, wildfires, and increased air pollution. Without immediate and concerted action, these harms will become much worse. While everyone’s health is threatened, those who are most vulnerable include children and seniors, pregnant women, individuals with certain chronic illnesses, and people living in communities already disadvantaged by poverty, racial discrimination, and environmental injustice.

To address this problem the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health (Consortium) organizes, empowers, amplifies, and mobilizes the voices of doctors and other health professionals to advocate for equitable and effective health-focused climate solutions. Since the Consortium launched in 2016, our membership has grown rapidly to 42 national medical societies representing over 700,000 physicians—more than 70% of U.S. doctors. We also have 67 partner organizations representing millions of health professionals across the spectrum of healthcare and public health, including the American Lung Association, American Heart Association, and American Cancer Society—each with a strong grassroots membership.

Since 2017, we have incubated or helped strengthen 20 Climate and Health State Network Affiliates, adding three or four new states each year.  We currently have four State Network Affiliates in development and are seeking to develop at least two more by 2024. These state groups educate the public and policymakers in their respective states, and advocate for state and local policies that support healthy people and a sustainable future.

We are currently seeking a Director of Policy who would lead the Consortium’s policy priorities in climate and health. This includes determining strategic priorities in concert with Consortium leadership, and analyzing and effectively communicating these priorities to membership and partners.