• Boston, MA, USA

About the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM)

Headquartered in Boston, NESCAUM is the nonprofit association of state air quality agencies in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. NESCAUM’s mission is to provide scientific, technical, analytical, and policy support to state air quality and climate programs in the Northeast. To accomplish this, NESCAUM participates in regional and national dialogues, conducts research, helps create regional policy solutions to shared problems, facilitates information sharing, and sponsors training programs.

NESCAUM is governed by a Board of Directors composed of the lead state air quality officials in these states and has a small staff of dedicated professionals with expertise in science, technology, and policy. NESCAUM works directly with states on adopting and implementing criteria air and greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies, including market enabling mechanisms, regulations under the Clean Air Act, and regulations under state climate laws. Relevant to this employment opportunity notice, NESCAUM is establishing a workgroup for state air and energy programs to facilitate cross-state collaboration and coordination on building electrification. The workgroup will coordinate research into policies that promote or require building electrification, synthesize results, make recommendations, and galvanize state action.