The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) is a research institute of the Smithsonian Institution dedicated to ecological and environmental research and education. Located on a 2,650-acre campus of forests, farmlands and wetlands and 15 miles of shoreline of Chesapeake Bay. SERC is based in Edgewater, Maryland, 25 miles from the central Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. and 5 miles from Annapolis.
The SERC campus consists of an array of historic and modern buildings, including a large modern laboratory building, wet lab, dock and other facilities for environmental research and education. Staff include approximately 110 employees, 40 interns, and 500 volunteers. A 40-person, centrally managed maintenance and security staff are on site. SERC receives 15,000 visitors annually, including 6,000 school children on field trips. See