The Climate Team organizes in seven states across the United States.  It is a project of EDF action (environmental Defense Fund) which is the advocacy arm of EDF, one of the largest and longest running environmental defense organizations in the world. 

Our goal is to provide members of Congress in key districts and leaders in the Biden administration the public support they need to take strong stances and be leaders on protecting the environment, advancing clean energy and fighting climate change. We will do this by:

  • Engaging EDF Action members, supporters and allies in opportunities to meet and work with their members of Congress.
  • Connecting supporters of climate action with opportunities to advance pro-climate policies in Congress and federal agencies through activities including phone banking, constituent meetings, public comment, and media outreach.
  • Providing constituents information about the local impacts of priority environmental issues, with a heavy focus on the climate crisis.
  • Giving our supporters the opportunity to work with other local groups and like-minded neighbors, building their commitment to the issues and organizations.

Join. Mobilize. Act.

EDF Action members are building the grassroots support we need for bold climate action — powering up the U.S. economy – creating good-paying jobs, building more resilient communities and tackling our largest sources of climate pollution — by investing in cleaner transportation and clean energy solutions.