Quivira Coalition

The Quivira Coalition (www.quiviracoaltion.org) is a Santa Fe-based nonprofit that builds resilience on arid working lands. We foster ecological, economic, and social health through education, innovation, and collaboration. We aim to shift current agricultural and land stewardship practices in ways that produce good food, support meaningful livelihoods in rural places, sustain biodiversity, and remedy the impacts of climate change. We conduct this work through agricultural apprenticeship, land and water restoration, and farmer- and rancher-led knowledge exchange. Knowing that it is critical to the success of our work, Quivira is committed to racial equity and inclusion, and we aspire to build and support a diverse staff team and community, including groups that are traditionally underrepresented among conservation and agricultural support services.


Our programs include:


  • Carbon Ranch Initiative, dedicated to outreach and research in support of regenerative agriculture, with a focus on building soil organic material on working lands.
  • Education and Outreach, focused on developing practical conservation and agricultural knowledge exchange led by those implementing the work on the ground. This includes workshops, podcasts, and the annual REGENERATE Conference. 
  • Land and Water, offers restoration planning and implementation of riparian and rangeland ecosystems in the arid Southwest. 
  • New Agrarian, offers professional training to beginning agrarians in regenerative agriculture with seasoned ranchers trained in hands-on mentorship.
  • New Mexico Coalition to Enhance Working Lands (NMCEWL), a network whose purpose is to support and enhance ongoing efforts to improve the health and productivity of New Mexico working lands that support agriculture and the environment.