Solano Resource Conservation District

Solano RCD is...

A non-regulatory special district to the State of California. Solano Resource Conservation District (RCD) was originally formed in 1956 to provide flood protection in the Ulatis watershed. Today we work closely with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and wide variety of other partners throughout the County on a watershed scale. In 2000 we changed our name to reflect this broader mission.

roadside native grassOur Goals

  • Restore Solano County watersheds and natural resources to health
  • Protect natural resources through vibrant partnerships, strategic restoration, and effective education programs
  • Educate children and adults about watershed science and effective stewardship
  • Enhance our watersheds and their habitats to better serve all beneficial purposes

We’re proud of our ability to work with diverse groups of willing stakeholders to develop ground-up solutions to local resource issues. We partner with private citizens, local, regional, state and federal government agencies, research institutions, non-profits and private sector organizations to design and implement large and small ecosystem restoration programs, habitat enhancement projects, and watershed-based environmental education for kids and adults. We offer County residents conservation planning and watershed coordination services to help people manage their natural resources as individuals and in groups

The RCD is guided by a volunteer Board of Directors appointed by the County Board of Supervisors. District programming is implemented by staff who provide specialized expertise, education and experience to help develop durable solutions to conservation challenges.

We provide direct assistance to Solano County farmers and landowners who work with us voluntarily to protect their soil, water and natural habitats.We also partner with agricultural and natural resource protection organizations and agencies throughout the County and region to implement watershed programs with local and regional benefits.

centennial volunteer dayOur services include:

  • Natural resource management advice
  • Ecosytem restoration and enhancement project design and implementation
  • Watershed-based environmental education programs for school children and adults
  • Semi-annual CA native plant and watershed-friendly plant sales
  • Workshops and hands-on training events
  • Invasive weed control and eradication support
  • Project permitting assistance
  • Agricultural water quality support
  • Flood control coordination and Solano County Water Agency (SCWA) small grant program support
  • Conservation planning for rural and agricultural properties
  • Watershed Coordination for private and public stakeholders

Visit our Programs and Projects section to check out some of our current projects.