Washington Sea Grant

WSG is housed within the UW College of the Environment at the University of Washington and is a unique unit with federally designated responsibilities to support marine and coastal research, education, outreach and communications for all of Washington. WSG serves the state and the region by delivering information and technical assistance to marine resource users and managers, engaging the public in activities that promote ecosystem health, educating students of all ages and encouraging science-based solutions to marine and coastal issues.

To achieve organizational excellence, pursue its vision, and adhere to its mission, WSG maintains a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, by pursuing diverse perspectives, and enhancing cultural understanding. WSG works to create equitable access to resources and opportunities for Washington’s diverse communities and seeks to incorporate their voices and priorities. WSG’s values are informed by environmental justice and are based in a culture of inclusion, respect, long-term engagement and accountability.

WSG has about 20 full and part-time environmental outreach specialists with diverse expertise who connect with thousands of Washington residents each year and serve as university representatives locally, regionally and nationally. They provide an important conduit for translating university research into information, tools and technology for use in the coastal and marine environment.