Oxbow Farm & Conservation Center


Our mission is to inspire people to eat healthy, sustainably grown food and to steward our natural resources for future generations.


The Center is located on 230 acres of forest and grassland bordered by Western Washington’s Snoqualmie River. We use this mixed landscape to:

Produce food. We cultivate 30 acres of mixed vegetable crops using agro-ecological principles and engage in research to inform conservation farming practice.

Grow native plants. We operate a native plant nursery that produces plants for habitat restoration projects, educational gardens, and urban landscapes, and conducts research on native plant propagation using sustainable growing methods.

Connect children to nature. We offer environmental education programs for children pre-K thru high school to build their comfort in the outdoors and provide them with opportunities to learn about the links between agriculture, conservation, and the environment.

Restore and sustain habitat. We carry out conservation projects and research to learn how humans can use land to our benefit while protecting biodiversity.