Ice911 is a 501(c)3 Silicon Valley nonprofit dedicated to Arctic climate restoration. Our Vision is to demonstrate a safe method for Arctic ice restoration in time to help stabilize the global climate. Our Mission is to prove to the world that we can preserve and restore Arctic ice, and help establish international policy, governance and funding for adoption of the solution by local communities, governments and global institutions. Our founding principles are (1) Do no harm; (2) Maximize a positive impact with the smallest possible intervention; (3) Work with accountability, transparency, and permission; (4) Take a scientifically-rigorous approach; (5) Work in partnership with indigenous, local, regional, and global communities; (6) Be excellent stewards of our financial resources to restore Arctic ice. You will help us build the organizational capacity to achieve our vision.
Ice911 is entering a dynamic growth phase. We are quickly transitioning from start-up phase to a mature organization. Significantly increasing funding is enabling rapid capacity building across all areas of the organization. For the incoming Executive Director, the next several years at Ice911 will present a rewarding leadership opportunity in an organization founded on innovation, integrity, teamwork and a commitment to diversity and equity. For more detailed information about us, our approach, values, team and partners, visit our website at
We conduct research and field deployments to demonstrate a safe, effective and cost-efficient method to restore Arctic ice, informed by climate modeling and on-the-ground measurement. We aim to demonstrate that we can stabilize the global climate through Arctic ice restoration and slow the devastating effects of climate change. Our ultimate goal is to provide national governments and international organizations with a proven methodology to slow global warming. These entities can then implement these proven methods at scale to give the world much-needed time to implement long-term sustainable energy and conservation solutions.