CDP is an international, not-for-profit organization providing a global platform for companies, cities, states and regions to measure, disclose, manage and share vital information on their environmental performance. Voted number one climate research provider by investors, CDP envisions a world where the global economic system operates within sustainable environmental boundaries and prevents dangerous climate change. We hold and operate the world’s largest corporate disclosure system on behalf of 525 investors with $95 trillion in assets and more than 650 global cities and 100 states and regions report to CDP.
Disclosing entities provide quantitative and qualitative information about their greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency programs, water management, exposure to deforestation and strategic business approach to environmental risk. The Investor Initiatives team works on driving back the resultant data to CDP’s investor signatories and members.
We have key hubs in London, New York and Berlin with other representation in the rest of Europe, Brazil, Australia, Japan, India and China.