Sacramento Tree Foundation

Since its founding in 1982, the Tree Foundation (STF) has gained well-earned recognition for innovations in urban forest education, civic engagement and partnerships. The Executive Director oversees all aspects of STF including leadership, management, program development and oversight, Board relations, public and government relations, and fund development. The organization has 27 staff and a $2.6M budget. 

Dedicated to reaching the largest audience possible, the organization builds partnerships and empowers communities to envision the best places to live and invest in their urban forest. It accomplishes its mission through an engaged Board, a dedicated and passionate staff, and partnerships with local governments, SMUD, CalFire, the US Forest Service, state agencies, colleges and universities, and complimentary nonprofits.

The Tree Foundation’s Mission:

To grow thriving communities through stewardship of our urban forest. We envision an urban forestry canopy that benefits the entire region and every neighborhood, especially those that historically have been underserved and under-canopied.