Oregon Rural Action is a grassroots, multi-issue, membership-based organization organizing in rural, Eastern Oregon for responsible, sustainable use of our natural resources and agricultural land, for social justice and equity, and thriving and diverse local economies.
Eastern Oregon is home to a disproportionate number of socially, economically and politically disenfranchised people, including farmers, people of color, women and children. ORA incorporated in 2000 because Eastern Oregon residents needed, and still need, an organized voice in decisions that affect their lives, health and communities.
For 17 years ORA has organized in five Eastern Oregon counties: Baker, Malheur, Umatilla, Union and Wallowa, recruiting members, developing leaders and organizing campaigns to improve our communities. Members learn to run local chapters and influence decision-makers. ORA members also lead four issue teams: health care reform, renewable energy, social justice and food & ag policy.