Sonoma County Transportation Authority and Regional Climate Protection Authority

The Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA) was established in 1990 and is charged with coordinating transportation plans, programs and projects among the cities and County of Sonoma. The SCTA develops long range transportation plans covering all modes and works cooperatively with local, regional and State agencies to deliver capital projects as well as allocate various federal, state and regional funding programs. The SCTA is also responsible for the administration of a voter approved ¼ cent sales tax dedicated to transportation.

The Regional Climate Protection Authority (RCPA) was established in 2009 and is charged with leading and coordinating countywide efforts to implement and advocate a broad range of programs and projects to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The RCPA serves as a central location for information sharing related to GHG reducing policies, projects and programs; helps to coordinate advocacy efforts to secure funding from all levels of government; and assists local partners in their efforts to identify, prioritize and implement measures to reduce GHG emissions.