The NC Stormwater Program is a dynamic and dedicated team committed to protecting North Carolina's surface waters from the impacts of stormwater runoff through outreach and permitting programs.
The programs that we develop and implement include:
- NPDES Industrial Stormwater Program: Covers approximately 4,130 facilities (3100 under general permits, 150 under individual permits, and 880 facilities under no exposure certifications). Industrial activities are required to manage and monitor their facilities for potential sources of stormwater pollution.
- NPDES MS4 Program: Covers 112 entities within urbanizing areas, such as municipalities, counties and universities. Other MS4 permittees include military bases and NCDOT. MS4 entities implement measures within their jurisdictions to prevent and control stormwater pollution from developed areas.
- Post-Construction Program: Requires new developments to provide permanent stormwater management measures after the project is built.
- The Stormwater Design Manual is a technical guidance document about implementing the rules pertaining to post-construction stormwater.
- Compliance assistance for all of the above programs.