The U.S. Army Environmental Command (USAEC) proudly supports the Army’s expanding role as a world leader in environmental stewardship.
For more than 40 years, USAEC has Acknowledged the past by restoring Army lands to usable condition, and by preserving cultural and historical resources. The command is Engaging the present by meeting environmental standards, enabling Army operations and protecting Soldiers, Families and communities. It also is Charting the future by institutionalizing best practices and the use of technology to ensure the Army’s future environmental resiliency.
USAEC provides the knowledge, tools and programs that support ready and resilient Soldiers, installations, and commands by balancing military training with sound environmental practices.
Note: Many Army environmental, natural resources, and sustaianbility career opportunities are located at Army instlllations throughout the U.S. and overseas. Army installations are under the Installation Management Command (IMCOM). Army Corps of Engineers environmental positions are also separate from Army Environmental Command.