Frog Environmental

  • CA , United States

~~California Storm Water Management and Treatment Consultants, Frog Env Inc., services all of California with over 15 years of expertise in Industrial Stormwater Permits.  As a Storm Water Treatment provider, we offer services for Permit application (Notice of Intent- NOI), SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) development, Monitoring Plan development, Runoff Sampling, Training, Annual Reports, Permit termination (Notice of Termination- NOT), and all other aspects of Industrial Stormwater Consulting.  Our “hands-on” approach produces compliance with California storm water Permit regulations and Regional Water Quality Control Boards.

Frog Env Inc. offers a FREE on-site evaluation of your current Stormwater Program, including analysis of your facility SWPPP and Best Management Practices (BMPs).   Our certified technicians shall identify potential pollutant sources and recommend BMPs for reducing the associated potential pollutants.  Frog Environmental will train your pollution prevention team about new BMPs and implementation of a Monitoring Plan; which includes all California mandated discharge monitoring, sampling, and lab analysis (under the NPDES – National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System).

Frog Env Inc. will assemble, compose, and submit your Annual Report by the July 1 deadline to the appropriate SWRCB (State Water Resource Control Board) or RWQCB (Regional Water Quality Control Board). A stamped receipt is provided as proof of filing.

As a combined staff, Frog Env, Inc. has over 50 years of experience in Stormwater and other environmental areas.