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Tune in to Environmental Career Sessions Aug 25-28

Tune in to Environmental Career Sessions Aug 25-28

Starting Tuesday, August 25 through August 28, the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP) will be hosting Career Development Workshops to kick off each day of their 2020 National Virtual Conference. Each session begins with an expert speaking about their career paths followed by a professional speaking on environmental and sustainability professional development and career search topics.  Also, get a review of your environmental, sustainability, or conservation-focused resume.

Speakers include:

August 25

August 26

  • Erik Neugaard, Environmental Compliance and Stewardship Program Manager,  Broward County Port Everglades
  • Tim Kendzia 

August 27

  • Anteneh Abiy
  • Piper Hodson, Director, U Illinois Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Online MS Program

August 28

  • Michael Hendrix, Chair, AEP Climate Change Committee
  • Will Medlin, Senior Scientist/Project Manager, Woodard & Curran

We are all in this together (COVID-19).  Join the National Association of Environmental Professionals during the last week of August for live online discussions on what's changed (everything) and what you can do to improve your career opportunities during very challenging times.  Also, sign up for the resume reviews- limited availability.