Environmental Career Center makes front page news in USA Today as it helped recruit a Reindeer Helper near the North Pole in December - a real job with the National Park Service.
Began publication of Environmental Careers World monthly newsletter listing hundreds of jobs and providing environmental career news.
Hosted career seminars at annual conferences of both The Wildlife Society (Albuquerque, NM) and American Fisheries Society (Halifax, Nova Scotia).
Launched the internet’s first environmental jobs website on Earth Day. Environmental Careers World: www.infi.net/~ecw -- later became www.environmental-jobs.com and now EnvironmentalCareer.com. See Wayback archives.
Hosted our first career seminar at the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP.org) annual conference in Washington DC.
Upgraded the ECW newsletter and began publishing the monthly newspaper of the environmental careers world: National Environmental Employment Report.
Environmental Careers World website is changed to EnvironmentalCAREER.com
1980s | 1990s | 2000s | 2010s