Location: Minneapolis
We started after our founder and current director, John Esson, graduated with a Wildlife Biology degree. John and his wife, Julie, created a jobs bulletin based on extensive jobs research and shared it with others as a subscription newsletter. During this decade we made connections with professional associations and colleges and universities. Our subscription Jobs Bulletin became the best single source of environmental and natural resources jobs in the U.S.
Established Nation’s first environmental jobs newsletters: Registers and Jobs Announcement- biweekly publication.
Published the Employment Guide – a comprehensive guide to federal environmental and natural resources jobs.
Location: Dallas
Renamed publications to The Nature People’s Jobs Bulletin. Society of American Forester’s Career Services Director says the Jobs Bulletin is exactly what students and recent graduates want.
Participated in the American Fisheries Society (Fisheries.org) annual meeting careers session in Milwaukee.
Location: Warrens, Wisconsin
Our Jobs Bulletin is the number one environmental jobs newsletter in the U.S.
Location: Hampton, Virginia
The Nature People environmental careers service becomes the Environmental Career Center.
1980s | 1990s | 2000s | 2010s