Pacific Fores Trust



Pacific Forest Trust (PFT) delivers landscape-scale private forest conservation in the West and develops innovative incentives for forest conservation at the national level. We do so in ways that reward private landowners for managing for public benefits, such as water and climate services, habitat for abundant native wildlife as well as economic returns. Our work sustains rural communities and restores resilient forest landscapes across ownership boundaries.  PFT pioneered the use of working forest conservation easements as a major incentive to reward forest landowners for long-term stewardship, and is recognized nationally as a leader in developing new payment systems for ecosystem services including climate, carbon, watershed and habitat services, all complementing sustainable harvest of timber products.   

PFT has led the conservation of over 357,000 acres of forestland also developing, acquiring, and stewarding conservation easements on 115,000 acres. PFT owns 2,100 acres and manages 14,000 acres for sustained timber, water, climate, and habitat values. Our projects are outstanding not only for their scale, but for their landscape impacts and high standards for delivering multiple public benefits. PFT is thrice accredited by the National Land Trust Accreditation Commission. Learn more at